Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Farm Christmas Tree

It's nice being able to pile into the tractor and drive the 90 seconds to next door to pick out a Christmas tree. Thanks to Tom and Julie and with the expert help of Neil, we got the most awesome tree for the farm!

Here's Kelan and Boppa wandering around the tree lot. He (by he I mean Kelan) kept running into trees and falling down. It was a sight to be seen.
Neil and Kai put the perfect tree into the trailer.

Kai is so bright!

The inaugural bulb de la Jak.

The little boys were almost immediately distracted by the awesome Little People Christmas train Bomma got.
Finished product!! Notice the concentration of ornaments above baby /toddler reach...maybe next year we can have a proportionally decorated tree...At any rate, this tree is beautiful. ..Even after bathtime, the Little People train held Jak's interest.It's like Where's Waldo...where's Kai?
His Christmas program at Monroe Grade School was awesome!

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